Pasar Perjalanan Dunia (WTM) Afrika

Pasar Perjalanan Dunia (WTM) Afrika

From April 09, 2025 until April 11, 2025

Di Cape Town - CTICC (Pusat Konvensi Internasional Cape Town), Western Cape, Afrika Selatan

Diposting oleh Canton Fair Net

Kategori: Industri Olahraga, Industri pariwisata

Hits: 2156

WTM Afrika | Expo Perjalanan & Pariwisata di Afrika Selatan

Travel to Africa and ignite the continent. World Travel Market Africa offers the only opportunity to simultaneously...

Buat prospek penjualan. Luncurkan produk baru. Masuki pasar baru. Meningkatkan kesadaran merek.

It was an incredible three days. I made contacts that would have never been possible otherwise. I also formed new business partnerships and received new orders. No words can describe how WTM Africa has changed the destiny of African Gypsy.

I would like to thank you and your RX Africa team for organizing WTM Africa 2024 in such a professional manner. It has been a great opportunity for my company and me to be a part this event again.

Thank you for a wonderful WTM Africa. The event was extremely well organized and the meetings were very productive. We hope that you will be as satisfied with the result as we are, as buyers. There are exciting business opportunities ahead.

We are looking forward to next year's Conference.The response from our Cape Tourism Teams was excellent.

I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to tell my story. You have given me the opportunity to touch someone's heart with my messages.

Service Gurus: Popati, The Movement and The OfficeSouth Africa.

Perjalanan ke Afrika ini akan membantu bisnis kami berkembang dan kami yakin saya dapat kembali ke Prancis dengan kontak yang baik.

WTM Africa, RX dan Reed Exhibitions adalah merek dagang dari Reed Exhibitions Limited. RELX, Logo "RE" dan RELX adalah merek dagang yang dimiliki oleh RELX Group Plc. Mereka digunakan di bawah lisensi. Reed Exhibitions Limited, sebuah perusahaan swasta dengan kantor terdaftar dan alamat utama di Gateway House, 28, The Quadrant di Richmond, Surrey TW91DN, terdaftar dengan Nomor Perusahaan 678540. Kegiatan Usaha: Penyelenggara Pameran dan Pameran Nomor PPN. Nomor Pokok Pajak: 13960 00581.