Pameran Pengiriman Cerdas

Pameran Pengiriman Cerdas

From March 20, 2025 until March 21, 2025

Di Bangkok - Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Diposting oleh Canton Fair Net

Kategori: Transportasi dan Logistik

Tags: Baterai Lithium

Hits: 1253

Smart Delivery Expo - Satu-satunya Konferensi dan Pameran Khusus di Asia untuk Industri Pengiriman, Pos, Parcel, E-Commerce & Ritel.

Smart Delivery Expo 2023 Conference and Exhibition ends in Bangkok on a high note. Smart Delivery Expo 2023 Conference and Exhibition ends in Bangkok on a high note. Smart Delivery Expo. Smart Delivery Expo: What to Expect Smart Delivery Expo: What you can expect. Find the best solutions for Delivery, Postal and Parcel, Ecommerce, Logistics, Supply Chain, and E-commerce. Find the best package delivery solutions. E-commerce and logistics.

The Smart Delivery Expo, which is a dedicated two-day conference and exhibition that takes place in conjunction with the Smart Retail Expo, aims to provide solutions for those from the ASIA Delivery, Postal and Parcel Sectors, e-Commerce and Retail, Last Mile Delivery and Logistics & Supply Chain Sectors who want to run their businesses more efficiently and effectively, resulting in seamless operations across multiple channels and improved customer experience.

Smart Retail Expo and Smart Delivery Expo jointly organize a conference and exhibition.Aimed at logistics, supply chain, retail, shipping, delivery, postal and parcel. Looking for solutions from Asia To run business more efficiently This leads to smooth multi-channel operation and enhanced customer experience.

Pameran yang dapat dihadiri gratis ini akan menampilkan peserta pameran dari seluruh dunia yang membawakan Anda produk dan solusi mutakhir. Dari pengangkut parsel, pembalikan, logistik, Klik dan Kumpulkan hingga armada dan gudang hingga robotika dan gudang.